Joint Replacement | Arthroplasty
Bone and Joint Specialists are rated the Top orthopedic surgeons in Michigan for joint replacement surgery.
What is Total Joint Replacement?
Total Joint Replacement, also called Total Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure in which parts of a damaged joint are removed and replaced with implants, designed to imitate a normal, healthy joint. The procedure is intended to give you restored mobility and to reduce painful bone-on-bone contact. Hip replacements and knee joint replacements are the most common joint replacements, but replacement surgery can be performed on other joints, such as the ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow.
Approximately 700,000 hip & knee replacements are performed each year in the United States. Many joint replacement recipients experience reduced pain, increased mobility, & improved quality of life. If you are a candidate for surgery, there are several important factors to consider:
Different companies design and manufacture joint replacement systems and the instruments used to implant them. Some implants are designed to address special considerations such as weak or damaged muscles and ligaments, excessively damaged bone or abnormal bone formation. Surgeons should choose an implant system that they feel will give you the most satisfactory results.
Many factors determine how well your joint replacement will perform after surgery, including your health before surgery, following your surgeon’s instructions pre-op and post-op surgery, your weight, activity level, and your participation in physical therapy including moderate exercise after surgery.
When you walk, and your foot hits the ground, the bones in your legs help absorb the stress of the impact. This is a natural process that helps keep your bones healthy and strong. If you stop using your legs, your bones begin to thin out, and your muscles become very weak. Think of it as “use it or lose it.” Therefore, it is essential to maintain an active lifestyle, especially after total joint arthroplasty.
Our Joint Replacement Experts
Dr. Bartholomew, and Dr. Kohen,
Bone and Joint Specialists orthopaedic surgeons apply innovative surgical techniques and new technologies to improve total joint replacement surgery. Our orthopedic surgeons have over 20 years experience with Total Joint Replacements and carefully assess each patient individually in order to find the best treatment options.
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