Dr. Philip Schmitt, D. O.
Orthopedic Surgeon: Hip and Knee Specialist
Due to medical reasons, we regret to inform our patients that Dr. Schmitt is no longer practicing at Bone and Joint Specialists. Please contact the office if you wish to transfer care to Dr. Kohen or Dr. Bartholomew.
Dr. Philip Schmitt, hip and knee surgeon, is a general orthopedist with a sub-specialty in total joint replacement. Currently, he is the third busiest surgeon for hip resurfacing in the country. He specializes in Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, an innovative procedure that replaces the damaged surface of the hip joint with a high-carbide, cobalt chrome.
He believes in balancing common sense approaches to care with the latest orthopedic technologies. At his practice, patients have a vital role in the decision-making once he has presented them with options and recommendations. Dr. Schmitt is committed to treating people with illnesses, not the other way around, taking into consideration a patient’s life, work, family situation and the issues surrounding the complete treatment of his or her disability. Furthermore, he is also a great believer in community involvement and serves as a team physician for Huron Valley Schools.